Aldermin Pro Services

Checkout the expert services offered by the Aldermin team

Your continued satisfaction with Aldermin is our #1 Priority. We are proud of our customer support record and we aim to help you in every way we possibly can. Here are the services we offer to help you get started with Aldermin school management information system – the most effective software resource for your institution.

Online Training

Our online training modules are an ideal way for you or your staff to gain knowledge at your own pace. Essentials covers the basics to a good beginner level. Go on to become a Certified Aldermin Professional.

Implementation Services

We provide assistance for implementing Aldermin enterprise software in your institution.

Migration Services

We also offer a data migration services if you have another enterprise software or student information system running in your institution. Pricing depends on the complexity of the data.

Customization Services

Aldermin management information system is open for customization to suit the needs and requirements of your institution. We offer customized plugin development for you.

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